Thursday, June 23, 2011


Welcome to Blankets for MamaBaby Haiti! The project started out as a Facebook group and is now evolving into a permanent presence on the internet by way of this site. It will be an easy way to keep participants up to date with news, events, photos, and stories, so please bookmark us and check back often!

To those of you who have responded via Facebook - thank you! I'm imagining all sorts of colorful blankies being lovingly sewed up.

If you haven't checked out the MamaBaby Haiti website yet - please do so to learn about this wonderful organization. There is so much need in a country that is so poor.

Why MamaBaby Haiti? I first heard about them through my daughter who graduated as a naturopathic physician from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. MamaBaby Haiti was founded by Portland-area midwives who have worked side-by-side at the Haiti clinic with several other naturopathic physicians delivering high-quality care to the people of this hard-hit region. I connected with their mission and decided that I wanted to do something in my own way to help their cause!

Why baby blankets? The idea came about while I was following an online quilt shop's blog. They also are making blankets to send to Haiti. At first I thought I would just make blankets and send them to this quilt shop but they are in Oregon and it didn't seem logical to send them across the country only to have them sent back across the country again to get them to Haiti. Also, I have a lot of colorful cotton fabrics because I just can't resist buying a yard or two when they are so pretty (I'm sure many of you can relate!)...I thought this would be a wonderful way to put my stash to good use!

Check the tabs at the top of the site for directions on how to make the blankets, and also on how/where to get them to me so that I can send them to Haiti!